Sunday, June 25, 2023

"Bonus Plan" with God+

God's Holy Word (KJV)+
...Colossians 3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
...24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

We will get our inheritance someday when God's sounds his great trumpet in the sky, and Jesus returns to take us all to heaven. It's going to be the greatest thing that ever happened to us. We that are saved are so blessed by God. He is so worthy to be praised. Jesus is so worthy to be praised. With Holy Ghost power "Margaret and I" will Praise His Holy Name.

I got this "Bonus Plan" from one of my old "Runner's World" magazines many years ago. I thought it would be a fun idea while I continue to serve God, and get serious one more time working out. This time it will be God first, then biking, walking, or running instead of just running. 

I added my time with God to make it more fun.

...1) If I spend 1 continuous hour with God every day I get $2 dollars.

...2) If I bike, walk, or run 1 continuous mile with God every day I get $2 dollars.
...3) In 1 week that comes out to $28 dollars in all.

...4) If I don't miss any time with "God" or biking, walking, or running in that week I get an extra $2 dollars which will make $30 dollars in all.

...5) That simply means if I don't miss any at all in 2 weeks I will get $60 dollars every pay period, or $120 dollar every month unless there are 3 pay periods in one month.

...6) I can use the money I get for "Moving2Win" with God on anything I want to spend it on. Bills, dates with my wife, or just anything I want to buy me or anyone else.

I am ready to start on Sunday, July 9, 2023 "Moving2Win" with God.

God Is So Good To Us All The Time+

God Is Our Strength 2/Run..+
..."Thank-You-Lord." (=

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