Tuesday, June 27, 2023

My (A to Z) "Running" Quotes+

Whenever my "Moving2Win" (Streaks) with God starts on Sunday, July 9, 2023 I will post a running quote of my own each week. It will change every Sunday when my new week of running with God begins.

My (A to Z) "Running" Quotes+
...It's really simple. I start with a quote that begins with the letter A, and in "26 weeks" I end up with a quote that begins with the letter Z.

After I finish my last quote I start all over with "26 new quotes" that starts with A, and ends with Z.

I will write a new "running" quote each week for the entire year of my goal "Moving2Win" (Streaks) with God+ 

Why a running quote. Because out of the three biking, walking, running. RUNNING HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY FAVORITE ONE. I love it.

Scroll down to the right. My running quote will be just below my countdown timer. 

The first week!!!
...A - A good run is great for relieving the little stresses that life sometimes brings.

I thought it would something fun as part of my moving forward with God, and writing a blog. Woohoo!!! 🏃😜

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. Thank "God" we have had so many running adventures through the years. Oh yeah!!! 🏃😊

God Is Our Strength 2/Run..+
..."Thank-You-Lord." (=

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