Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Setting Goals with God+

Sometimes in order to achieve a really Big Goal, it's best to set some Short Goals along the way. 

Plus reaching those short goals from time to time keeps you reaching for that big goal. It will eventually come if you have faith in "God", and never give up.

So when I start my "Run2Win" (Streaks) with God on Sunday, July 9, 2023. I want to set a short running goal at the very start of my streaks, and every 2 weeks after that.

My first goal will be to get off the couch, and run at least 1 continuous mile with "God" every day for the first 2 weeks. I want to get used to running every day. 

Why just 1 mile? If you can't run one mile you can't run two or three. Haha. 😂😂😂 

I simply have to start running, and be consistent with it every day. I've only tried a streak two times with the longest one lasting about 26 weeks. That was in 2011. So it's been awhile. 

With God's strength I know I can do this if I stay healthy and injury free. God is good all the time. 

My Big Goal is to spend at least 1 continuous hour with God, and run at least 1 continuous mile with God for 1 year without missing a day.

After that I want to do a 20 Mile Long Run on the Virginia Creeper Trail for old times sake.

That's about it, and I truly thank "God" for the strength 2/run.

God Is Our Strength 2/Run..+
..."Thank-You-Lord." (= 

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